Lemons and Lemonade

Lemons and Lemonade

 The old saying when life hands you a lemon make some lemonade rings true with people with Parkinson’s.  I love lemonade, I even keep a large glass mug in the freezer just for lemonade.  As a special education teacher, I also love working with students that every day create lemonade out of their own efforts working to better themselves.  As a care partner to a person with Parkinson’s I also receive great joy in witnessing Cidney and how she deals with her “lemons”.  Since the beginning of her journey with Parkinson’s, even before her diagnosis, she has researched, interviewed, sought out, and relentlessly pursued answers to every question about Parkinson’s that you can imagine.  I used to complain to her about the amount of time that she spent on the computer searching and communicating with others to find out about this and that concerning the disease.  I don’t complain anymore.  Now I watch and observe how she is sought out by others, how she helps those seeking answers.  Her network of PD warriors is amazing and I celebrate her for making lemonade for herself and every person with Parkinson’s. 

 Yesterday, Saturday December 15th we visited a rather large lemonade stand.  It was actually a holiday party at Rock Steady Boxing Green Valley.  This party hosted by our own Martie Vleck and attended by 35+ fighters with Parkinson’s and care partners.  Everyone I believe was touched by the event, from a small group of two at the beginning of 2018 to an ever expanding large contingent.  Each fighter had a story, each fighter’s story was similar, to not sit idle and let Parkinson’s control them, each one living well today!  Their lemons have been turned to an extremely sweet pink lemonade, one of my favorites. http://greenvalley.rsbaffiliate.com/

 In Las Vegas, there are many examples of PWP’s turning their lemons into lemonade.  Cheryl Hayes Vaughn is a friend that has taken to video blogs on youtube.  She is active and taking control of her lemons by sharing her experiences with others.  Check her out… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-cpam9V9xXR5cNnU2drMnw .  Another Las Vegas maker of lemonade is Parkinson’s Place Las Vegas own Christian Banda.  He has taken a lot of lemons and created a new self and a great supply of lemonade.  Check out his story on Faces of Parkinson’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFgQPf6Cgrk&t=16s

 Lemons and Lemonade, the examples are plenty, what are your stories?  Send your stories of turning lemons into lemonade to http://parkinsonsplacelv.org/share-your-story/ we will share them here at Parkinson’s Place Las Vegas. 

What are your Lemons to Lemonade stories? http://parkinsonsplacelv.org/share-your-story/

What are your Lemons to Lemonade stories? http://parkinsonsplacelv.org/share-your-story/

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