One In A Million

                                                                                        Valentine’s Day 2021

This article is dedicated to all the wives, husbands, family members, care givers and coaches who have joined in our fight against Parkinson’s disease. Without your love, dedication, and support, our journey would be so much harder, I thank you all, but most of all this is dedicated to my amazing wife Rosalie, this is our story.

I remember calling Rosalie after walking out of the doctor’s office in tears, my life in pieces. That may sound a little overdramatic, but it’s not, I was devastated. My mind was at a loss and I was not prepared for a diagnosis like that, this happens to other people I thought. My mind went directly to images of Mohammad Ali lighting the Olympic torch, I felt doomed. When Rosalie got home, she did the best she could, she smiled, she listened, but kept her true feelings hidden from me, as I was to find out later, she too was devastated.

I felt so alone those first weeks and months, it is amazing how alone you can feel even when you are surrounded by people who love you. I just wanted it to all go away, I did not want to live the life I had been given, but in truth I had no choice. I have told this story many times about my day of reckoning, but it is worth repeating. I was crying at foot of bed when Rosalie walked into the room to comfort me, I did not want comfort, I wanted it all to just go away. I told Rosalie I was grieving the life I had lost.

She began to cry and said sobbing, “So am I”, this was the first time since I had been diagnosed that she showed what had been pinned up inside her. I jumped up and hugged her and told her I would never do that to her again (be consumed by self-pity), and that is a promise I intend to keep. It took that moment for me realize that what I am going through, I am not going through it alone. Anyone who loves me or for that matter cares about me will feel and see my fight, this can be a very public disease, and can be easy for all to see.

But what people don’t see, is the support that Rosalie quietly gives me. She’s no fool, she sees my struggles, and there are many, yet she never discourages me from pursuing my passion for bicycle riding and motocross.  It would be very easy for Rosalie to make a compelling argument about the dangers of my chosen hobbies and the work I perform around the house. But she is a smart lady, she knows it would be a waste of time, and besides she knows a happy Mark is a healthier Mark, and yes, I am happy. Support comes in many different forms, and sometimes standing by quietly is just what the doctor ordered.  

There is no guarantee how long I can continue to enjoy my passions, but I know until that day arrives, Rosalie will be supportive. They say behind every great man there is woman, but in my case, it is the opposite, behind a great woman stands a very lucky man. Rosalie, thank you for your love and support, and remember I go motocross riding for the benefit of the grandkids, Love You, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Th following poem is my lame attempt at being romantic.

 I married the woman of my dreams

It feels like yesterday, or so it seems

But we both know it was long ago

Looking at our wedding album, the time really shows

But I don’t see a reason to be sad

Our life together has been quite grand

Not in terms of money and fame

But the love we shared since you took my name

As corny as this poem may be

it comes from the heart you stole from me

A long time ago

Happy Valentine’s Day, Rosalie

Love, Mark








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