Getting to know...Luca Lucarelli

Luca recently moved to Henderson, NV and contacted Parkinson’s Place Las Vegas (PPLV) . He told us he’d like to share his story. He has been working in the fitness industry for 30 years and has used it to help quiet his dyskinesia (tremor). Here’s a little more about him:

1) When were you diagnosed?

I was diagnosed in 2004 out of nowhere - I woke up and hands were shaking. 

2) What was your reaction to hearing about the diagnosis?

I was shocked because of my background in fitness and mixed martial arts. 

3) Beyond Parkinson’s medication, what is the most important thing you do to take care of yourself?

To take care of myself is waking up and knowing that I won’t let this disease beat me.

4) What do you do for fun and - just as important - who do you enjoy having fun with?

To have fun is so important - I love watching comedy.

5) How important is laughter in your daily life?

I laugh plenty already. I’ve started writing jokes and if I get the nerve up, one day I want to do stand up for people with Parkinson’s. 

6) What do you do to maintain positive relationships?

Relationships are the best life experiences for me. Even if I have the worst day of Parkinson’s, it can still be great if I go help someone else. 

To sum this up: I’m a leader. For 12 years I had no medical help and lost everything. I wrote to plenty of foundations and never got any help. My doctors says I’m an example of power. My grandpa taught me to lead from example and always stay humble. 

Thanks, Luca! If you’d like to share your story with us, please contact us at

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