My Crazy Parkinson's Life, The John I Knew

 My Crazy Parkison’s Life

The John I knew; A Tribute to John Shaw


Writing tributes for my fellow boxers who have passed away has become all too frequent. I am saddened by the loss of another friend; it is a constant reminder that time stops for no one, and our time together is far too short. Today we celebrate the life of John Shaw and what a life it was.

In a different world John and I would have never met, our paths would have never crossed. The only reason John and I met, was we shared a common enemy, in Parkinson’s Disease; and it was that fight that brought our paths together.  But John’s fight was much bigger than mine, he was also dealing with effects of Lewy Body Dementia, and that fight had clearly taken its toll.

When John started coming to RSBGV it was normal for us have what we called at the time, “The Circle of Love” to begin each class. And I remember seeing John sitting in that circle isolated, even though he was surrounded by people, it broke my heart. It was not just John, others with Lewy Body were isolated too; so I made it my mission to get to know each one them on personal level.

One of the things I would do, is if they had t-shirt with some team, place, or event on it I would ask them about it. One day John came strolling in wearing a shirt with Hayden, Colorado on it. So, I asked John, “what’s in Hayden?”; John responded “I have a ranch outside of Hayden”. I then asked the next obvious question, “how big?”, John says “about 1400 acres”. I did not see that coming, I was thinking he had vacationed there, doesn’t everybody have a t-shirt from some Colorado ski resort at home, mine says Vail. I found it funny that he enjoyed the hard physical labor associated owning a ranch. I looked at it this way, he worked hard his whole life, so that he could afford to work hard the rest of his life, he’s was a better man than I, that’s for sure.

I found working with john provided challenges, nothing a little humor can’t overcome. When John was having a bad day focusing, I could draw him in by making a bunch of silly comments, he’d crack a smile and get with program. My other secret weapon was challenging John to pushing contest, John loved show you how strong he was, and yes, he was a powerhouse. I really enjoyed those times with John and looked forward to seeing him at the gym.

 Our time together in the gym just made me more curious about who John really was and as luck would have it, I would soon find out. John and Debby hosted a party for RSBGV at their home. It was beautiful day, and every one talking and laughing; and there’s John working the party, going table to table being the perfect host, he was funny and charming, I will never forget that day, it was a totally unexpected and a pleasant surprise. Monday at the gym, everybody talked about how great John was at that party, he stole the show.

 But my fondest memories of John would come fifty miles off the California coast on a cruise ship. I had the opportunity to spend two evenings sitting next to John talking about all things John. I would ask and he would answer, it was fascinating. We touched on everything, from the Bay of Pigs to his short-lived political career and all points in between, I now knew John Shaw, and I liked him a lot. I thought about John after those dinners hoping to see that John again.

But neurological disorders wait for no one, as I would soon find out. The next evening Rosalie and I were waiting outside the dining room for the other couples to show up when we saw John and Andy (another RSBGV member with Lewy Body) walking around the ship. I asked them what was going on, and the both said they could not find their wives. I told them that they were back in their cabins getting dressed for dinner. That was not the answer they were looking for and proceeded to go through the dining room calling out Debby and Judy’s names. I could feel the panic in their voices, thank God Debby and Judy showed up when they did, I felt so helpless, I didn’t know what to do. It was at that moment I understood my time talking to John was gift I could never replace or duplicated, but a gift to cherish.

That night I thought a lot about what had happened with John and Andy. I saw the panic in their eyes not knowing where Debby and Judy were. I now understood the enormous pressure placed upon loved ones providing care for those of us fighting these diseases; and I am sure it is never said enough during the good times, but thank you, for all you do, and will do for us in the years to come.

I want to end John’s tribute on high note.  John’s life should be celebrated because he lived the American dream. He accomplished many things, some known and some unknown, he built successful businesses, and pursued his dream of owning a ranch in Colorado and he provided many fond memories for those who knew him. Throughout John’s life there were many changes, but through it all two things remained constant, John’s love for Debby and John’s love of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. How can you not smile about that! Godspeed John, you will always have place on our wall, ROCK STEADY!!!   

    Mark Hitechew













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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